ARRENA Natural Mineral Water is a major sponsor of the Chios Half Marathon


ARRENA Natural Mineral Water supported the Chios Half Marathon that took place on August 25th and was organized by the Association of Chios “Chiosrunning”, in collaboration with the Municipality and the Regional Unit of Chios.

The 12th half-marathon race took place in Kampos of Chios and it was completes with great success, with the participation of more than 1000 people, where they ran at distances of 1.5km, 5km, 10.5km and 21.1km. Throughout the races, ARRENA Natural Mineral Water provided runners with the necessary hydration and energy they needed to complete their course.

We were enchanted by the island of mastic, we admired the endurance of the participants and we were happy to be there to offer them the unique coolness of ARRENA. We continue with the promise to support sports that promote competitive spirit and noble competition.