
We are committed to quality, safety, and the environment from our very first day of operation.
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At NERA PIGON GRAMMOU S.A. since the beginning of our operation (November 2023), we have been in the process of certification for full compliance with the requirements of a series of quality and workplace safety systems, beginning to implement the entirety of required procedures along with staff training.

ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System

ISO 22000:2018, Food Safety Management System

ISO 45001:2018, Occupational Health & Safety Management System*
ΙSO 14001:2015, Environmental Management System*
* In the certification process
Νερά Πηγής
εθνικό μητρώο παραγώγων
NERA PIGON GRAMMOU S.A., recognizing its responsibility as a waste producer, specifically packaging waste, has already registered in the National Registry of Waste Producers and the Electronic Waste Registry. Our goal, beyond complying with the requirements of current legislation, is to assist with the implementation of proper environmental management practices by actively supporting the model of sustainable production and development.
The National Registry of Waste Producers (N.R.W.P.) serves as an operational tool for the systematic monitoring of compliance by packaging producers and other products with the requirements of the existing legislation regarding the alternative management of the aforementioned products.

The Electronic Waste Registry (E.W.R.) is a level-4 electronic service provided by the Ministry, which includes the electronic registration of obligated entities (businesses and organizations) in the registry and simultaneously supports the entry of their activities (collection and transportation facilities and activities) in combination with the declaration of the waste they manage and the permits documenting them. It also covers the obligation to submit the Waste Report according to the new tables developed by the Ministry of Environment & Energy.

At NERA PIGON GRAMMOU S.A., Environmental Awareness has been a top priority from the first days of our operation. We collaborate with the National Collective Alternative Management System for Packaging, RECYCLABLE RECYCLING S.A., a non-profit entity working for the public interest, which has been approved by the Ministry of Environment & Energy, with its mission being the organization and promotion of packaging recycling throughout the country.
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