ARRENA Natural Mineral Water supported the Institute “Hοmioi of Mani”
which, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Medical School, EKPA and the
Institute of Applied Physiology & Exercise in Medicine, organized for the 6th
year the competitive running race “Issoria Artemis”.
The purpose of the organization is to celebrate the joy of sports with the sole
motivation of participation to highlight the values of sports and exercise as a
complementary therapeutic method in medicine, and the promotion of the
special characteristics of Mani.
It is a unique historical route next to the sea, a distance of 10 km, and in this
route, ARRENA Natural Mineral Water contributed by offering its unique
coolness to the participants of the road race, and it keeps its commitment to
supporting similar actions that promote the sports spirit and highlight the
historical places of our country.

Natural Mineral Water ARRENA® stands by primary school of Dipotamia
Nera Pigon Grammou was very happy to support the primary school of Dipotamia Kastoriato realize its trip to Athens, covering